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" A Practical Treatise on Mechanical Engineering: Comprising Metallurgy, Moulding, Casting, Forging, Tools, Workshop Machinery, Mechanical Manipulation, Manufacture of SteamEngines, etc. "
Suburban farming. With additions by R.S. Burn - Page 5
de John Donaldson - 1877
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A Treatise on Steam Boilers: Their Strength, Construction, and Economical ...

Robert Wilson - 1875 - 404 pages
...readers."—English Mechanic. "The formulae arc neatly expressed, and the diagrams good."—Athenaum. Mechanical Engineering. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MECHANICAL...Shaping, Drilling, Punching, Shearing, and Riveting Machines—Blast, Refining, and Reverberatory Furnaces—Steam Engines, Governors, Boilers, Locomotives,...
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Atchley's civil engineer's and contractor's estimate and price book. [4 issues].

William Davis Haskoll - 1875 - 294 pages
...readers."—English Mechanic. " The formulae are neatly expressed, and the diagrams good."—Athenaeum. Mechanical Engineering. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MECHANICAL...Shaping, Drilling, Punching, Shearing, and Riveting Machines—Blast, Refining, and Reverberatory Furnaces—Steam Engines, Governors, Boilers, Locomotives,...
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The commercial hand-book of chemical analysis; or, Practical instructions ...

Alphonse René le Mire de Normandy - 1875 - 554 pages
...heartily commend th,s really handy book to our engineer and architect readers. " — Engbtk Mechanic. Mechanical Engineering. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MECHANICAL...Iron and Iron Ore, and Glossary of Terms. By FRANCIS CAMTIN, CE Illustrated with 91 Woodcuts and 28 Plates of Slotting, Shaping, Drilling, Punching, Shearing,...
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Handbook of Astronomy

Dionysius Lardner - 1875 - 766 pages
...heartily commend this really handy book to our engineer and architect readers," — English Mechanic. Mechanical Engineering. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MECHANICAL...Iron and Iron Ore, and Glossary of Terms. By FRANCIS CAMTIN, CE Illustrated with 91 Woodcuts and 28 Plates of Slotting, Shaping, Drilling, Punching, Shearing,...
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Hints to young architects

George Wightwick - 1875 - 394 pages
...readers."—English. Mechanic. "The formulae are neatly expressed, and the diagrams good."—Athenteum. Mechanical Engineering. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MECHANICAL...Iron and Iron Ore, and Glossary of Terms. By FRANCIS CAMFIN, CE Illustrated with 91 Woodcuts and 28 Plates of Slotting, Shaping, Drilling, Punching, Shearing,...
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Hydraulic Tables, Coefficients, and Formulae, for Finding the Discharge of ...

John Neville - 1875 - 572 pages
...heartily commend this really handy book to our engineer and architect readers. " — English Afeehanic. Mechanical Engineering. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MECHANICAL...Iron and Iron Ore, and Glossary of Terms. By FRANCIS CAMTIN, CE Illustrated with 91 Woodcuts and 28 Plates of Slotting, Shaping, Drilling, Punching, Shearing,...
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Hydraulic tables ... for finding the discharge of water from orifices [&c.].

John Neville (civil engineer.) - 1875 - 566 pages
...heartily commend this really handy book to our engineer and architect readers." — English Mtfluinic. Mechanical Engineering. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MECHANICAL...Mechanical Manipulation, Manufacture of the Steam Engine, £c. &c. With an Appendix on the Analysis of Iron and Iron Ore, and Glossary of Terms. By FRANCIS CAMIMN,...
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Hydraulic Tables, Coefficients, and Formulae: For Finding the Discharge of ...

John Neville - 1875 - 582 pages
...Docks, Dredging Machines, Bridges, Ship-building, &c. By JG WINTON. Fourth Edition, Illustrated 3/6 Mechanical Engineering. Comprising Metallurgy, Moulding,...Manipulation, Manufacture of the Steam Engine, &c. By FRANCIS CAMIMN, CE Third Edition .... 2/6 Details of Machinery. Comprising Instructions for the...
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Catalogue of the Library, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. 1873 ...

United States Military Academy. Library - 1876 - 1056 pages
...Hand-Book for the Artisan, Mechanic, and Engineer. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. 2793 Campin (Francis). Practical Treatise on Mechanical Engineering, comprising...Machinery, Mechanical Manipulation, Manufacture of the Steam-Engine, &c. With an Appendix on the Analysis of iron and iron ores. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864....
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A Treatise on the Application of Iron to the Construction of Bridges ...

Francis Campin - 1876 - 250 pages
...explosions would become sensations by their rarity." — English Mechanic. Mechanical Engineering. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING : Comprising Metallurgy, Moulding,...Manipulation, Manufacture of the Steam Engine, &c. By FRANCIS CAMPIN, CE I2mo, 3*. cloth boards. Works of Construction. MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION : a...
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