Ammie's Reviews > Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud

Making Sex by Thomas W. Laqueur
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I read this book for a class, and I used the main premise of the first section (that social importance shifted from gender to sex in about the 1600's) in countless papers in grad school (even though I was a music major! so there.). I really thought that was presented well, but in all honesty I should probably re-read the rest of the book, because I don't remember it well. All I remember is that he used a lot of large words that I didn't know and was unable to find in dictionaries.

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April 1, 2004 – Finished Reading
March 14, 2008 – Shelved

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message 1: by Raquel (new)

Raquel "All I remember is that he used a lot of large words that I didn't know and was unable to find in dictionaries."

Hm, that's how I feel about Nabokov, at least some of his books. (Others I can get through without whipping out the dictionary every page.)

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