Polly's Reviews > The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible by Anonymous
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it was amazing
bookshelves: polly-s-best-books

I am listing this for the New Testament only, because I can't find it listed separately. I would rather re-read the New Testament than any other book of scripture. It seems that every couple of verses introduces a new, critical, unmistakably true principle.

[Here's a great excerpt from Italy: A Short History by Harry Hearder that I just read in the chapter of Italy in the Classical World: "A religious teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, was suspected of leading a Jewish nationalist movement, and executed by the Roman authorities. His novel ethical doctrine--that all human beings should love each other--was never to be put into practice, but was to be an underlying influence in the culture of medieval Europe, although twisted into perverted forms and used by the medieval Papacy in the establishment of its dominant role in Italian history."]

Since I am trying to put into practice this novel ethical doctrine, I find reading the accounts of Jesus' words and actions is always interesting, meaningful and applicable.

I think it is well worth reading for nonreligious readers too, because it is the source an amazing number of common metaphors and other literary references.
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January 20, 2010 – Shelved
January 20, 2010 – Shelved as: polly-s-best-books

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message 1: by Mary Etta (new)

Mary Etta Very well said.

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